Hiya and welcome to the Harry Potter Awesome Art Roundup...volume ten!
Since this is the tenth anniversary roundup I'm going for all the arts!
First off,
"Under the stairs" by
George Bletsis
Georgie also does adorable 3D art like these cute Hermoine, Ron, Nevelle and Luna trunks =)
I used to be really into Pinterest, but they took away a lot of great features that make it user friendly.
For example, this photo was uploaded with no link and no artist tagged! what the heck!
and there are SO.MANY.PINS like this!
Here are my "lost inks" of Pinterest, if you know the artist please let me know and I'll add credit!!
This style is so cute, I love their concentration
this JJ watermark is doing nothing to help me...but I love the art!

Thank god Lily Lu put a watermark on her art because
beautiful HP watercolors are my kryptonite
speaking of great watercolors
this must have been a set of wonderful phone lock sceens
why ya trying to make me cry random person??
Searching the watermark also led me to this great sketch of the trio by
Miranda Moorhead
totally into
Atalienart 's style and wonderful works.
Love this lil Lupin gif art
Halloween Harry
Stephen Byrne did an entire group work of the cast animated style!
He's got a great portfolio if you check him out with HP, Avengers, etc. PLUS by finding this I found out Meg Cabot (of the Princess Diaries) is writing Black Canary! Awesome!
Naomi Lord is just wonderful. So. Many. Prints. I want to buy.
throwing my baby avengers in here just because.
I think I've put PetitPotato on this roundup before but
I don't recognize this cute one. ALSO I can't tag the blog because my
work computer thinks "tit" in petit is bad...
o0o0o0 more gif art. Thanks
J. Park!
ALSO this captions make the art even better.
Like Oliver Wood and Family:
"I remember reading a post saying that Oliver Wood would have seven kids just so he can have his very own quidditch team and it compelled me to draw this. So here, he married Katie Bell because I remember reading some really lovely fics about these two back in my HP fandom days and they’re both cute so they might as well be cute together ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (and, once again, the original Gryffindor team is everything)"
"A small family reunion!
Re-reading Deathly Hallows has gotten me emotional over the Weasleys all over again. Fred’s death and Percy’s reaction to it really did a number on me. And while I highly doubt George and Percy became BFFs after the war, I do have a headcanon where Percy has a very special connection with his nephew, Fred. He’s still most likely super uptight and strict regarding just about everything but, whenever he sees his nephew getting a little mischievous, he’ll secretly sort of love it. "
So last but not least are ten wonderful portraits I can't really find credit for.
Here's where I found them, but I don't think that's the artist.
That's all for this tenth awesome Harry Potter art roundup!
I hope you enjoyed it,
until next time,