Howdy and welcome to a very random jams of the week!

Been feeling some nostalgia about the Life is Good festival
that for a few years I was always at this time of year.
They don't do the festival anymore but it was such a good time.
Like, seeing Jack Johnson for free front row!??!
One year Ingrid was there for Human Again and it was magic.
Ingrid Michaelson - Blood Brothers
I listened to the rest of the new Blink 182 CD
and there are more gems than I was anticipating
blink-182 - I Really Wish I Hated You
this week is JimJam's birthday so this jam is for her!
Happy birthday JS!
Keri Hilson - Pretty Girl Rock
if you've been paying attention to jams
you'll know I love collabs .
I wasn't expecting Chance + DC4C but I love it.
Death Cab for Cutie - Do You Remember (w/ Chance The Rapper)
do we like this new Francis?
Francis and the Lights - Take Me to the Light (feat. Bon Iver and Kanye West)
Enjoy your weekend,
til next time,