SO this weekend is New York Comic Con, 2017...and I just realized I never posted my trip last year...
Guys I'm A+ at remembering to do things.
I'm gunna post it now because it was such a crazy impulse trip and I had a solid time.
Also, hilariously I started it out basically knowing I was gunna post it late...high five self!!!!
Oh man, for some reason I'm really dragging my feet writing this post, even though I am super stoked about NYCC. Maybe because once I write it, it's all really over? Anyways, here is my adventure tale of 20 something hours in NY.

So last month I saw Matt Smith + Jenna Coleman were offering a photo op at NYCC and I knew I had to book tickets and go. Small problem, my window for asking off of work was very small, and it's the same week as three family birthdays at my house so I could only go for a short short time. Thank god for Southwest late flights! I left Wisco at 5pm, and got into NYC around 10pm. After a wayyyyy too long horrible Uber I got to see my good friend Andrew and crash at his hipster loft (sorry not sorry Andrew ;) )
Since day one of the con has been getting crazier and crazier I decided to play it safe and get there pretty early. Not as early as some people, but early enough. I ended up at will call at 9am, which was easy enough, and I was standing in front of the outside doors to get in at 9:15am. Then was 45 minutes of waiting for the doors to open, which wasn't super fun, as it was actually kinda hot outside. I think there is an inside queue but I didn't do that? Rushing in with the masses was like black friday for nerds. If you stop you're roadkill. I managed to find myself in the NYCC video, see me? I'm on the stairs!
Once I was inside I got to play assemble the shrine of the silver monkey from Legends of the Hidden Temple! My inner 90's kid was freaking out. Sadly that silver monkey is actually as hard to put together as those kids always made it look. Like, they made the back of it seem confusing so you think you're putting it together wrong. Damn you Nickelodeon.
Hey Olmec!
The con floor is pretty big and a little confusing, but I was able to walk around before I had to head to photo ops/autographs. I saw some awesome art but didn't buy anything because I didn't have a good way to bring it back on the plane.
One awesome part of NYCC is that it takes place at the same time as BookCon. So there were lots of big name book sellers handing out freebies. I paid for a signed copy of Gemina by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff because I only have the ARC missing some key art. If I did more than a few hours I would have dedicated a whole day to the BookCon pannels.
After some artists alley I got to check out the Fantastic Beasts booth with movie worn costumes and a spell casting area!
In the same area were Suicide Squad worn costumes, had to take pictures of Deadshot and Harley
After seeing some of the floor I headed to my photo op area. Once I got there I decided I totally did need that Alex Kingston autograph, so I got to meet that lovely lady again!! I brought my photo from Wizard World I got with her and she signed it and we had a nice chat about how horribly cold Wisconsin is.
ALSO while in line Matt Smith was on one side of her and Jenna Coleman on the other and I got to see Matt adorably interact with a service dog. Insert heart eyes emoji here.
ugh, he's like a puppy himself. So adorable.
While in line I got to meet a great War Doctor
then it was the moment I had waited for! Hoorah!!!
cue the freaking out!!!
they were very cute and awesome, but sadly they were being rushed through everyone very quickly so it was a very short interaction (definitely a down side to seeing them at a huge con).
I love going to photo ops, because you literally can't stop smiling for what feels like forever afterward. *Sigh* They're both so dreamy.
After that I just had a little time left before I had to jet, so I decided to check out the food offerings. There was actually a pretty decent selection. Of course there was the concession stands, but then the back side had an empanada seller, philly cheese steaks, pinkberry, and some other kinda concession like booths. I went for this Poke booth since I had never had it, and it looked good and filling. It was costly, a soda + a Poke was $12, but that seems like a better deal than a similar price for a hot dog.
I had to take a picture of everything in it, so good!
I really wanted to hit up the Tales from Inside the TARDIS panel, but apparently at NYCC you have to try and get wristbands for panels as soon as you get there in the morning? I really wish I had known that, and it's kind of a stupid process. I was also very sad to miss all the BCC programming panels on Friday. If only I could have stayed for two days!
On my way out in my uber I saw this huge Doctor Who balloon that almost made me jump out of the car.
You can kinda see Peter glaring down at me, "stay for day two!!!!"
One last pit stop at the Star trek booth for a Live Long foam hand and trek symbol pin, and this awesome face swap. I think Kirk would also wear TARDIS earrings don't you? ;)
With that I had to head to the airport. It was a fun couple of hours and I am so jazzed I got to meet three Doctor Who stars. I don't think I'll do NYCC again for a long time, but it was cool to get to say I've been.
Till next time NYCC, love you too!